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Gewichtsreduktion/Fat Loss

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Deutsch/English Wer auf eine Diät ohne Krafttraining setzt, nimmt nicht nur weniger schnell ab, sondern auch an den falschen Stellen: Denn dann kann es passieren, dass der Körper Muskeln und nicht Fett abbaut. Und damit reduziert sich der wichtige Fatburner Muskulatur,so müssen Sie sich also nicht nur gesund ernähren, sondern sich auch körperlich bewegen. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you think about the best type of workouts for weight loss, your mind might not immediately jump to strength training, but it should. While it’s definitely true that cardio workouts get your heart working harder and as a result, help your body burn calories, strength training is what’s really going to give your weight-loss goals that extra boost.If weight loss is a goal of yours, incorporating strength training into your routine is key.For one thing cardio does shrink you down. But it does just that: it shrinks down both your fat and muscle. You end skinny and soft.Larger muscles burn more calories and more fat.Having more muscle means your body burns more calories at rest.Aerobic exercise is actually the most effective in losing weight, however, it’s not the best at burning fat and increasing lean mass.



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